Booster Club Supporters take our school to a whole new level of excellence. Your contributions subsidize the following as well as so much more at PVHS:
Academics: Tutors, College Day, LINK CREW, Technology Upgrades, Digital Database, Model UN, Speech & Debate Advisors, Award winning PVIT competition, Academic Decathlon
Arts: Drama Productions, Video Production, Choral and Colorgaurd, Musical Equipment for our Amazing Sea King Marching Band, and Live from 205
Athletics: Stadium Turf Maintenance, Athletic Trainers, Athletic Equipment, Tennis, Track, Baseball, Football, Water Polo, Volley Ball, Cross Country and Maintenance for Athletic Faculties, Stadium Sound System.
We need and appreciate all your support to ensure the success of our Palos Verdes High School students. Historically, our district receives far less money per student due to state funding inequities and an unfair funding formula Bond initiatives, parcel taxes, PEF, PTSA have all helped. But, with all that, our students have needs that can only be met by our Booster Club funds.
There are so many ways for you to support PVHS Booster Club. Please consider becoming a SEA KING SPONSOR, AUCTION DONATION, and or, CONTRIBUTE TO THE WINE CELLAR. Our children need your support and I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU in advance for all the support you have given to our SEA KING FAMILY!